M.J. Rose
Melisse Shapiro
Dr. Morgan Snow, a sex therapist in the Butterfield Institute, in New York City:

The Halo Effect (2004)
Finalist 2005 Anthony Award for Best Paperback

The Delilah Complex (2006)

The Venus Fix (2006)

Reincarnationist mysteries with past-life paranormal elements:

The Reincarnationist (2007)

The Memorist (2008)

The Hypnotist (2010)

The Book of Lost Fragrances (2012)

Seduction (2013)

The Collector of Dying Breaths (2014)

The Daughters of La Lune series set in 1890s Belle Époque Paris:

The Witch of Painted Sorrows (2015)

The Secret Language of Stones (2016)

The Library of Light and Shadow (2017)


Lip Service (1998)

In Fidelity (2001)

Flesh Tones (2002)

Sheet Music (2003)

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