Anne Worboys
Anne Eyre Worboys
Non-series, with some romantic suspense:

The Lion of Delos (1974)

Every Man a King (1975)
APA: Rendezvous with Fear (1977)

The Barrancourt Destiny (1977)

Bhunda Jewels (1980)

Run Sara Run (1981)

Greek Idyll (1983)

Kingdom for the Bold (1986)

Aurora Rose (1988)

China Silk (1991)

Alice (1992)

You Can’t Sing Without Me (1996)

Village Sins (1994)

Season of the Senses (1996)

Hotel Girl (1997)

Relative Strangers (1997)

Written as Vicky Maxwell
Non-series, with some romantic suspense:

Flight to the Villa Mistra (1973)

Chosen Child (1973)

The Way of the Tamarisk (1974) [also as by Anne Worboys 1975]

High Hostage (1976) [also as by Anne Worboys 1980]

The Other Side of Summer (1977)

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