Caro Ramsay
Colin Anderson, a detective inspector, and Winifred “Freddie” Costello, a detective sergeant, along with an ensemble of cops at Partickhill Station in Glasgow, Scotland:

Absolution (2007)
Finalist 2008 New Blood Dagger Award

Singing to the Dead (2009)

Dark Water (2010)

The Blood of Crows (2012)

The Night Hunter (2014)

The Tears of Angels (2015)

Rat Run (2016)

Standing Still (2017)

The Suffering of Strangers (2017)

The Sideman (2018)

The Red, Red Snow (2020)

On an Outgoing Tide (2021)

The Silent Conversation (2021)

Detective Constable Christine Caplan, seconded to the Highlands of Scotland after a minor misdemeanour:

The Devil Stone (2022)

In Her Blood (2023)


Mosaic (2019)


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