E.R. Punshon
Ernest Robertson Punshon
Inspector Carter and Sergeant Bell, a tortoise and hare team of Scotland Yard detectives, in London, England:

The Unexpected Legacy (1929)

Proof, Counter Proof (1931)

The Cottage Murder (1931)

Truth Came Out (1932)

Genius in Murder (1932)

Bobby Owen, an Oxford graduate, starting as a police constable, later a detective sergeant then Commander of Scotland Yard, mostly in London, England:

Information Received (1933)

Crossword Mystery (1934)
APA: The Crossword Murder (1934)

Death Among the Sunbathers (1934)

Mystery Villa (1934)

Death of a Beauty Queen (1935)

Death Comes to Cambers (1935)

The Bath Mysteries (1936)
APA: The Bathtub Murder Case (1942)

The Dusky Hour (1937)
APA: Death in the Chalkpits (1941)

Mystery of Mr. Jessop (1937)

Dictator’s Way (1938)
APA: Death of a Tyrant (1938)

Comes a Stranger (1938)

Suspects-Nine (1939)

Murder Abroad (1939)

Four Strange Women (1940)

The Dark Garden (1941)

Ten Star Clues (1941)

Diabolic Candelabra (1942)

The Conqueror Inn (1943)

Night’s Cloak (1944)

Secrets Can’t Be Kept (1944)

There’s a Reason for Everything (1945)

It Might Lead Anywhere (1946)

Helen Passes By (1947)

The House of Godwinsson (1948)

Music Tells All (1948)

So Many Doors (1949)

Everybody Always Tells (1950)

The Golden Dagger (1951)

The Secret Search (1951)

The Attending Truth (1952)

Strange Ending (1953)

Brought to Light (1954)

Triple Quest (1955)

Dark Is the Clue (1955)

Six Were Present (1956)


Earth’s Great Lord (1901)

Constance West (1905)

Rhoda in Between (1907)

The Mystery of Lady Isobel (1907)

The Spin of the Coin (1908)

The Choice (1908)

The Glittering Desire (1910)

The Wilderness Lovers (1912)

Hidden Lives (1913)

The Crowning Glory (1914)

Arrows of Chance (1917)

The Solitary House (1918)

The Woman’s Footprint (1919)

Promise of Dawn (1921)

Old Fighting Days (1921)

The Bittermeads Mystery (1922)

Dunslow (1922)

The Blue John Diamond (1929)

Where Every Prospect Pleases1 (1933)

Documentary Evidence1 (1936)


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