Spain Mysteries
Delano Ames
  • Juan Llorca: sergeant in the Civil Guard in Spain

P.J. Brooke
  • Max Romero: half-Scottish, half-Spanish police detective (sub-inspector) in Granada, Spain
Alicia Giménez-Bartlett
  • Petra Delicado: ex-lawyer police inspector, and her sidekick, sergeant Fermín Garzón in Barcelona, Spain

Quintin Jardine
  • Primavera Phillips: Oz Blackstone’s ex-wife, in Spain

Roderic Jeffries
  • Enrique Alvarez: police inspector in Mallorca, Spain
Manuel Vazquez Montalban
  • Pepe Carvalho: ex-CIA agent, former communist, and gourmet private investigator, in Barcelona, Spain

Dominic Martell (Sam Reaves)
  • Pascual: bartender in Old Barcelona, Spain

Mark Oldfield
  • Vengeance of Memory trilogy, following three time-lines: Ana María Galindez, a Guardia Civil forensic investigator in contemporary Madrid, Spain; Comandante Leo Guzmán, in the 1950s under Franco; and the Spanish Civil War in the late 1930s

Maria-Antònia Oliver
  • Lònia Guiu: fiercely feminist private investigator based in Barcelona, Spain
Rebecca Pawel
  • Carlos Tejada Alonso y Leon: sergeant in Guardia Civil in 1930s and 1940s Madrid, Spain

Carmen Posadas
  • Non-series, mainly set in Spain

Arturo Perez-Reverte
  • Captain Diego Alatriste: swordsman for hire in 17th century Spain

Dolores Redondo
  • Amaia Salazar: 30-year-old police inspector in the Basque region of Spain, in the Baztan trilogy

Rafael Reig
  • Non-series set in a future alternative Madrid, Spain

Caroline Roe
  • Isaac: blind physician, and Bishop Berenguer, in 1350s Girona, Spain

David Serafin
  • Luis Bernal: police superintendent in Spain

Teresa Solana
  • Eduard Martíez and Borja Masdéu, non-identical twins and partners in Frau Consultants, an extralegal investigative agency, in Barcelona, Spain

Domingo Villar
  • Leo Caldas: police inspector in Galicia, an autonomous region in northwest Spain

Jason Webster
  • Max Cámara: chief inspector in the Spanish National Police, in Valencia, Spain

Robert Wilson
  • Javier Falcon: detective inspector in Spain

James García Woods (Alan Rustage)
  • Inspector Paco Ruiz: at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, in Madrid, Spain

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